Rabu, 30 Januari 2008

Green Thumb Sunday - er, well, I'll catch up

I know, it's Wednesday. But the weather is so frigging (I never say that!) windy and frigid that I'm staying indoors at home instead of my best day of the week outing to the Flint Institute of Arts Wednesdays at Noon movie and coffee with my progressive and gardening friend Sharron. I need gas, and there is no way I'm standing in this cold long enough to fill the tank. So today I'm taking the time to try to figure out this thing called Green Thumb Sunday. Sharron is home with a headache watching Will and Grace reruns.
Garden bloggers everywhere apparently post a photo of their garden, or a plant, or some gardeny visual image, every Sunday. So watch for it... if I get the blogroll thingie running. I'm not tech saavy, as they say.
So here below is my first photo for a belated Green thumb Sunday of one of my favorite flowers, a purple poppy I grew in my herb garden.

Green Thumb Sunday

Join Green Thumb Sunday

Gardeners, Plant and Nature Lovers can join in every Sunday, visit As the Garden Grows for more information.
And, Thank you Tricia!

Here's another shot of that poppy: