Senin, 10 Desember 2007

This Week at The Essential Herbal - in Pictures

There has been so much going on around here lately that I've just felt lucky to be able to snap a picture from time to time. The magazine is scattered in stacks around the living room, waiting to be sacked up, and the soap shelves down at the studio look pretty low. This week *might* kill us, but some good herbs to keep us calm and on task will help. Siberian Ginseng is on the top of my list now, as well as chamomile. It always amazes me how much chamomile helps to calm those jangled nerves.

Here is a little insight to my recent week:
One of the things I love most about this area is how picturesque everyday is. I wrote earlier about the horses in the alleys in town. This one was waiting for his rider outside Central Market the other day around lunch time. I spend a day a week down at Radiance, working with Sarah and Kara, and on a noon stroll love to come upon these guys.
Across the street from my house is a giant star that lights up every year at this time. It is over 6 feet high, and it can be seen for miles, yet the light is soothing and mellow.
We had the first snowfall of the year last week. It was pretty nasty, and as much as I try to avoid driving in that stuff, it fell while I was in the dentist's chair. It had me sliding sideways down one of the longer hills nearby, and I was so relieved to get home so my knees could stop shaking! It was gone by the next day. Pretty, huh?
I'm combining two pictures in one with this one... A package arrived the other day that blew me away. Inside was a gift - an aromatherapy set from SunRose Aromatics
and the scent is an essential oil blend called Joyful. It is an incredibly delicious blend, and just what the doctor ordered! We immediately placed it in the center of the living room and inhaled deeply. It strikes me that it is so easy to find joy, but there has to be that conscious break from the grind... even if just for a moment ... to fully enjoy something. A heartfelt thank you to my dear sweet friend. I love it! Beside that package, you can see my most recent gourd rattle in progress. Molly and I watched the a documentary about 1968 on the History Channel last night, both of us busily working on a gourd. Hers is beautiful, but it isn't ready to show yet (according to her).
Last but not least, in my never-ending struggle to fill every single solitary moment, no matter how insane it might be, the Essential Herbal Yahoo group has been working on a winter swap. It's our first, and I hosted it along with my sister. The boxes are all packed, the recipe booklet printed, and 30 people are about to recieve a box crammed with some of the most delightful herbal concoctions and confections I've ever laid eyes on. My timing wasn't great (for me, that is), but the results are well worth it!
So that's *part* of what I've been up to lately. There's a lot more, and I'll probably blather on about that at some point. Right now, my mantra is simply, "thank goodness we aren't doing the Farm Show this year!"