Kamis, 13 Desember 2007

Hosting an Herbal Swap

I get myself into a lot of trouble sometimes. Ideas pop up, and poof! they are acted upon. Michele Brown, from Possum Creek, the co-moderator of The Essential Herbal Yahoo! group suggested (at least a year ago) that we try a swap on the group. At the time, I was knee-deep in putting together class kits - or some other hare-brained idea, and didn't bite. For some reason, the idea of a winter swap came up, and it sounded good. We do so much for everyone but ourselves at this time of year, and getting a box full of gifts just for ourselves had a certain allure.
Additionally, we agreed to share our recipes/instructions for our items. They were put together in a booklet and printed, so that everyone would have them, and could perhaps use them to create some gifts for the holiday season. Because so many members make products for sale, this made everyone stretch a bit and come up with things that aren't on their websites or in their shops.

Hosting this one with my sister Maryanne, the timing turned out to be pretty horrific. Our brother spent the better part of two weeks in the hospital, and we moved his things (and his lovely Ninja kitty, Lily) into my home so we can watch over him more carefully. The magazine deadline loomed. There were some lagging swappers (who ALL came through!), and Maryanne's wholesale soap company and lampworked jewelry were keeping us both hopping. Oh, and the tree farm at Frog Hollow was/is just crawling with people, too.

All in all, in spite of a clump of hairy deadlines, everything went well. And the items!!! There were 30 swappers involved, divided into 2 groups, and everyone went above and beyond our expectations. I am on pins and needles now waiting for everyone to receive the return boxes. I can't wait to see their reactions to all the wonderful things they will find.
These pictures are intentionally "bad", so that the surprise isn't ruined for anyone not getting their box yet, who happens to stumble by here.

This is something we will definitely do again.