Kamis, 26 April 2007

Visiting Lancaster County? EAT HERE!

I've very proud of the this part of the country. Our region is the garden spot of America, with beautiful (though vanishing) farms, exceptional craftspeople, a work ethic that draws employers like bees to honey, and... ok... great food. I've lived here all my life, and it is "my" country.

When tourists come to the area, they are drawn to the neon. They go out to the big places that were built especially for them. Dutch Wonderland hasn't seen a real PA Dutchman since they worked to build the place. Places like Good 'n Plenty, Plain & Fancy, and Kitchen Kettle Village are ok - but they were created for tourists. There isn't much authentic about them.

Today we happened upon a great place to eat if you want to get a taste of Lancaster County. The Home Place Family Restaurant, right beside the Achenbach Bakery... sort of like food heaven.

As we turned into PASTRY LANE (what on earth could be better?), off of Route 23 above Leola in Bareville, we caught a whiff of a scent we'd not smelled since childhood. The diners of our youth were always surrounded by the smell of donuts and baked goods. Achenbach's bakery is well known for their excellent products, and the smell had us nearly floating in the door.

Our waitress was really very wonderful. The first sip of coffee reminded us both simultaneously of the coffee we'd made in our rooms in Bermuda - delicious. It didn't hurt that we would then hang out together in the early morning, drinking coffee and planning the days' activities. Anyway, it was a friendly place - the waitress joked around with us and asked if we were related to one of the Martin girls, a guy at the counter joined the conversation and there was lots of laughter. The bacon was superb.
The atmosphere was extremely welcoming, and it was clean without being antiseptic. The food was great - as most breakfast food is anyway. Maryanne had fried potatoes and said said they were "real" and delicious. I know full plates would have been better - but we just dove in without thinking.
It's all about the atmosphere, folks. If you come to town to experience what life is like here, check this place out. You won't be sorry.