Jumat, 13 April 2007

Moving along

Things have been moving right along around here, but you wouldn't know it from reading here.
It's very convenient to use this space to explain all about the classes, but then I need to keep them at the top until sign up is over. Anyway. Sign-up for kits is over. They are sold out. Classes will continue to sell until the day before the class.

Ok, so.... Geri Burgert and her family came to visit the area last week. Geri is the "Suburban Herbie" columnist in The Essential Herbal magazine and has been contributing regularly for a couple of years. It is hard for me to believe that we'd never actually met because it just *felt* like we knew each other for years. Her family had visited the year before (living in a tourist area does have many perks), but the kids were very young and needed all of her attention. They are still little, but she did get to finish a sentence or two.
The first day, Molly and I met the family at Hershey Park. Molly went to wait on line for the Comet - a wooden roller coaster that has always been my favorite - with Geri's oldest and her hubby, while Geri and I put the young'un on a couple of rides and talked. It was very cold, however, and the park was apparently sold out of cocoa. That's right.... you read that right, Hershey Park sold out of cocoa. Now I could see silo after silo filled with cocoa bean. Oh the irony of it all.
The next day we did Central Market and visited with Sarah a little bit. So that's Geri on the end, Sarah in the middle, and me on the other end. It was a very pleasant visit. While we were talking, the boys were in the Kids Yoga room, testing all of the drums. Sarah's grand-daughter Ember was there, so a good time was had by all.
Another project is a group quilt. I'm not going to discuss it too much because I don't want to give it away on the way off-off chance that the surprise-ee should wander by this way, but this is the square I came up with. It turned out pretty well except that I got carried away size wise, and the sides will both need to be turned under to stay in line with the other squares being sent in. Some day I will learn to follow the rules and color inside the lines. HAHAHAHA.... probably not.
Anyway it was fun to get out the needle and thread. My favorite method is to draw as I go and then follow with the thread. For instance, this started with the butterfly. Then the sprig of blue lily of the valley type flowers, then the big pink, the sprinkling of blue and pink, then the baby sunflower at the bottom. Finally I just threw in some stem-age. In high school, I did a lot of that type of sewing. It's like doodling with a needle. My boyfriend at the time had the most impressively embroidered jeans jacket. I worked on it whenever it wasn't jacket wearing weather. He told me years later that it was stolen at knive-point while he was in Amsterdam. He told me a lot of weird stuff, though.

Tomorrow is the PA Herb Festival in York. It actually starts today. Maureen at www.herbnet.com has a booth, but can't make it for both days. I'll be there tomorrow, and bring her stuff home. The weather is not good for an herb festival. Even though we are inside, the weatherman just keeps saying how there is no warm air in sight. I'll be interested to see how this goes.

Coming to the forefront of my consciousness is the program in Baton Rouge in May. I need to ship the still in the next few days, and that is stressful. So much glass.... We also need to get the class put up on the list and nail down what the program will be about (other than just lemon balm) so we don't have to do all the planning on the plane.
So - just in case you thought life at The Essential Herbal headquarters had gotten dull, nah. We were just using the space for something else.