Rabu, 17 Januari 2007

the opposite of listless

At first I was going to write about this stupid bug that has me feeling listless. After breathing in who-knows-what for a whole week, I got pretty sick. Regular dosing of elderberry and echinacea seem to have knocked the bug out (well, almost - cough, cough), leaving me confused as to whether I'm sick or just still exhausted. I like to know what to blame things on.
Now Molly's home sick too.
But then I got to thinking about the word "listless". Of all the descriptions of what life is like right now, listless would not do. There are lists everywhere!

There is a list of people we need to follow up with from last week.
The list for the grocery store.
The list of orders that need to be packed for the post office.
The list of bills that have been patiently waiting their turn.
The list of small but important details that need to go into the magazine.
The list to prepare for Molly's 16th birthday on Friday(!!!).
The emails I haven't gotten around to answering from last week.
A dozen renewal postcards that didn't get out with the main batch...

Oh. See? It's a compulsion, but I am certainly not listless!