Senin, 15 Januari 2007

home again, home again, jiggity jog

The 91st PA Farm Show is finally history, and I am home, sweet home.

All business aside, I have never been so exhausted in my life. Between the poor air quality (we shared the air with 1000's of animals and humans), noise levels, open doors to the outside chill, and food, it was a tough week.

We met a lot of wonderful people, though. Our favorite new friend is Dennie Huber. He is a balloon artist, and he kept the under-18 crowd happy. He is also one of the nicest men in the world. Sitting from 9 until 6 each day, pumping out thousands of balloon creations, this guy never lost his cool. Even when a child lost his lunch on Dennie's shoes, he kept smiling and twisting, never missing a beat. He was inspirational.
There were all sorts of sights and sounds that I will never forget. One in particular was the groups of kids wearing hats that look like hotdogs. There were also animal masks, balloon hats, and - this one really cracked me up - people willingly wearing the hats they used to make us wear when we worked food service. The chickens and pigs were one hallway over, and in the morning those guys sure could make a racket!
There were lots of informational booths, and one that I found particularly interesting was the gourd booth. They gave us some packets of seeds, but we won't find out what they are until summer.
The kids came up and took care of the booth for us while we did our first soapmaking demonstration. They thought it was kind of fun. They were only there a little over an hour.
All in all, it was an experience to remember. We met people from all over the world, and discovered that the making of biodiesel fuel is the real reason lye has become more difficult to obtain for the home soaper. Making biodiesel is very similar to soapmaking, and the makers of lye most likely see the packaging of small amounts as a poor business decision. Not meth labs, not terrorists, but fuel.
And now, we return to our regularly scheduled life.