Minggu, 06 November 2005

working on the Frog Hollow shop

Today was supposed to be a day filled with lots and lots of productivity. We've gotten thrown off by several things, and finally got the website that my sister and I are doing together live. It's called The Sibling Group, which was what we called the Publishing Co. under which our book about our shop was published. Then there was a furious week of getting packaging and samples in the mail for some new products... and then last week we lost in the hospital.

So anyhow, yes... we're pretty far behind schedule. Our list includes making about 15 or 20 products that have been swimming around in our collective brain and making the labels and packaging that go with them, filling and packing orders for our respective businesses, and setting up the shop at Frog Hollow Tree Farm for the holidays. But you know, today was so gorgeous, and nasty weather was headed our way.....
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Into the woods we went to visit our favorite haunts from spring. Above is the stream we walked down in April to find the tiny jewelweed sprouts, and all the spring blooms. As you can see, it's getting ready for the winter. I wish I could have captured the sounds of the leaves falling, the walnuts clunking, and the wind whistling.... and even the sounds of hunters in the far distance. The dog ran along with us sniffing at every turn in the path.
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I don't forage for mushrooms, but do enjoy finding them. They can be so lovely when they pop out of unexpected places like the one above.

So after our walk, we did get a few things done. A few dozen soap stones, a display, an order got packed, and some special order soaps were started. Tomorrow's another day, and I'm betting it will be a lot more productive!