Selasa, 01 November 2005

Balsam Fir Sachets and Spice Clay Ornaments

We got a breather today from the trips to watch over our brother, and actually got to play in the studio for a little while. While I jumped on the pumice soapstones (they're still in the molds), Maryanne set to work making up sachets from the incredibly fragrant balsam fir needles we found. I just love the scent of balsam. There's something about it that is so familiar, even though it isn't one of the conifers that are common to this area. Both of these projects have been sitting and waiting for the last week, and we were so eager to get to play with them. The giant pine cone in the background is a yellow pine cone - about 12" long... and we have a project in mind for some of them, too :-).
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We'd also made up some of the spice clay ornaments from the mix that is on The Essential Herbal website. We used very small cutters and got a TON of the ornaments - somewhere around 100. With a typical sized cutter, the yield is more like 25.
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With Halloween over, the shop at Frog Hollow Evergreens will be opening. Folks will be wandering over the hills looking for the perfect tree, and we'll be setting out our creations for their perusal. Maybe we'll see some of you there!