Rabu, 12 Oktober 2005

today's lessons - Incense class and Trimming Soap

This evening I gave a small class on making incense.  We made cones, logs, and odd shapes from scratch.  The recipe called for sandalwood, lavender, frankincense, and various other ingredients.  It has been a while since I've given this class in person, having done an on-line class at Forum'ulations for Beta recently.  I'd forgotten how great the ingredients smell while they are being worked into a clay and smooshed into shapes.
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I'd also forgotten how a little powder becomes a whole lot of clay to work with.  Jody and Sarah are putting the finishing touches on their batches.  Sarah came up the original idea of making tiny bowls that she plans to drop essential oil into just prior to burning.  Each time I give this class, there is another innovation.  The conversation is always great at classes that involve handwork.  It was fun!

Then there is the indoctrination of the previously (way back) mentioned elves to help with all the soap trimming over at Maryanne's business - Lancaster County Soaps.  Molly is coming along nicely, even managing to enjoy the work.  I believe, however, that it might have something to do with hearing tales of her mother's youth from her aunt.  We'll have to do something about that.....
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It's nice to have her take an interest in some of the things I love to do.  Maybe there is hope after all :-).