Rabu, 05 Oktober 2005

Nov/Dec Issue Went to Print

It has been a busy week or so around here. The next issue took my attention for a while. Can I just say that I don't know how the big guys do it. It is really tough to get into the holiday spirit while enjoying 80 degree, blue skied, breezy days.
Nevertheless, the holiday issue shines once again - always a fun piece to put together. There were two different articles on the herbs of the season. Mary Ellen Wilcox focused more on the more recent 2000 years or so, while Jeanne Rose wrote from a Druidic view. We had a great article from India, talking about the 10 most used herbs for cooking, and their traditional/tribal medicinal uses. There were lots of great recipes, and articles on relaxation, digestion, cranberries, sage, tea, and more.
We've also been helping Nancy Reppert from Sweet Remembrances in Mechanicsburg format a cookbook that should be going to press and ready in time for the holidays. Typing in those recipes was very tempting, and I may have actually gained a few pounds.
In the next few days the printer will call and we'll start the mailing procedure.