Kamis, 01 September 2005

Sad Week - Hurricane Love Beads

This past week has left me speechless as I watch in horror the unfolding disaster in the Gulf states. Its hard to imagine that it continues to worsen as the week goes on.
We have a plan here at our house to raise funds to send (we're choosing Mennonite Disaster Services, as they use 100% of the donations for the victims). We thought that Mardi Gras beads would be an appropriate thing to sell. So we went to Oriental Trading Company on-line and ordered a couple gross of them. Molly will take oodles of them to school, and sell them for a dollar per strand, and I'll wear them wherever I go, selling them off my neck.
Hurricane love beads.
Molly and a friend raised money for victims of 9-11 with a lemonade stand. It was so good for her to feel like she could help, and she wanted to do something now. We thought that Mardi Gras beads would be appropriate.
If this is an idea that you'd like to try, feel free to use it.