Selasa, 27 September 2005

gearing up for the next wave

It's gotten a little crazy around these parts.
The deadline for the color cover pages came and went and we managed to get it into the printer's yesterday. The black and white pages don't need to be in until the first of October, so we've moved on to other things while we wait for that. There are several projects in the works.... I'm not sure how I ever managed to fit a full-time job into this mix!
First there is the series of classes with Sarah on Wednesday nights. Last week the Folk Remedies class was lots of fun, and tomorrow is the soap class. We have a salve class followed by an incense class coming up too.
But that's just the very beginning. The real "meat" is all the other stuff. My sister and I have too many ideas for our own good. We haven't properly indoctrinated our children, so the elves we desperately need have not materialized. We've decided to put in a shop at Frog Hollow Christmas Tree farm for the busy season, there's a shop in a nearby town that we've taken space in (and need to fill), a show or two coming up... oh, and Maryanne's wholesale soap business, which has been relentless lately. And the magazine. And we're kicking around a website idea... There's probably more, but that's all I can stand to think about right now.
Articles have been rolling in for the holiday issue of the magazine, and I'm looking forward to putting it all together next week. This one is usually the most fun do because we get such interesting ideas to spruce up the hearth. Great recipes, traditions, and crafts always seem to find their way in to this issue.... well... all of them, actually :-).
This is an exciting time.