Selasa, 10 Mei 2005

Walking in the woods again

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We took a picture of the woods where we walk (top) so you can see what sort of place it is. There is lots of climbing over Image hosted by fallen trees and following deer trails. Above is the trillium I found at the Landis Valley Herb Fair (along with Wild Ginger and Toad Lily). Below is what we believe is bellwort, but I'll have to do some research. It covers an entire hillside... well, actually sharing the area with the spring beauty, mayapple, and wild geranium.

We realized that this will be one of the last times we will be able to walk into the creekside without a machete. Everything is growing so fast. The jewelweed that was only inch high little baby plants on May Day is now nearly a foot high. Guess we'll be doing some more of the crafting in weeks to come.

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