Kamis, 19 Mei 2005


Now that the woods are getting so overgrown we decided to take the frogmobile out.
That's my sister driving... er, well not exactly driving, but pointing out a bird. There's a heron rookery nearby and lots of water. It was a lot of fun, sort of like the wild safari ride at a theme park, except there wasn't that feeling of being safe.

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As you can see, this picture was taken in one of the very few level spots where we "weed walk". Soon the path will be mowed so we can walk it, but the creek is maybe 50' to the left, and it was tough to get to last night. I found several spots where deer had flattened the high foliage to bed down.

Oddly we didn't find a single tick when we got back. This is is stark contrast to the situation any time I get in the woods near my own house.

The False Soloman Seal and Phlox were just about killing themselves! They covered the woodland hillsides and looked beautiful. Got a new camera... so there will be plenty of pictures.