Rabu, 14 September 2011

Love The Late Summer/Early Fall Fairy Rose!

Really one of the workhorses in the garden for me is my 'Fairy' rose.  This one is pink and we have a little red one as well.  It is also blooming even in its first year stages.  Lovely in arrangements and as decoration on cakes or in tussie mussies, the 'Fairy' just blooms and blooms through the summer and into fall.  Remember it is an edible flower.  We are going to have a couple of nights in the upper 30's and I think as I remember from last season, it will survive those with flying colors.  Going to be making some basil jelly this afternoon.  As I said in a previous post, basil doesn't like the 40's and will start turning black.  So for those of you who have had frost already, I will be thinking of you when I make my first batch of basil this afternoon.  A couple of more basil jellies tomorrow and a batch of raspberry jam as well.  Made sure I got my walk in today because standing around in one place can be hard on the joints! Don't you love this time of year.  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later.