Jumat, 30 September 2011

Not Your Typical Basil! (UPDATED FOR TUFA GIRL A/K/A FW DIRT)!

This is one of my favorite basils.  It is a green pepper basil.  Yes, it does smell and taste like green peppers.  It has survived through the 40's because it has been close to the rock wall this season.  It is a very decorative plant.

Sorta of did a half done (You can insert the word you like better there.) post yesterday.  Tufa Girl a/k/a FW Dirt asked me botanical name, etc. If I had had time FWD, you know I would have. Here you go, FWD.
Here is a really good article link from The Herb Companion and Jim Long, FWD with the botanical name, Ocimum selloi.

We tried to save seeds from our plant and gave them to our niece in Peru.  The seeds didn't germinate.  Seeds when they drop in the container do germinate.   Jim mentions two sources Mulberry Creek in Ohio.  They don't do mail order any more.  Nichols is the other source and I can't see them there either.  Companion Plants in Ohio does sell the seeds and here is the link to buy green pepper basil seeds.  Hope you can get the seeds.

Got to run.  Already saw 50/50 at the movies.  50/50 is good, but language is rough.  If you don't like the f word, this movie is not for you.  Talk to you later.

Photo Friday - Uva Ursi

Photo Friday - where I post pictures of plants along with tidbits of herbal information. 

To start this new tradition I've chosen one of the first plants I ever personally used for medicine, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, otherwise known as simply uva ursi, kinnikinnick, and bearberry. 

 I use uva ursi specifically for urinary complaints such as bladder infections or UTIs. I usually combine it with yarrow and marshmallow and it works well both for acute conditions as well as for prevention.

I used to get UTIs frequently. Before I knew how to use herbs a UTI always meant a panicked trip to the doctor to get antibiotics which I knew would give me a yeast infection and on and on and on. If you've never had a bladder infection let me tell ya, that getting in the car/bus to go to the doctor's office when you have to pee extremely urgently is not a favorite pastime. Possibly worse is getting a UTI at 2:00am and know that you have to tough it out until morning. Cranberry juice has never worked for me. 

Luckily for me my skills as an herbalist increased and I was able to address the reason I was getting UTIs. It's been many years since I've had one. Still my love and gratitude for this plant has never waned. 

As you might imagine, learning about this little plant was really incredible for me. I was amazed that some green leaves could save me from so much agony. And then I finally found uva-ursi in person. Such an adorable plant with those beautiful bell flowers. 

We use the leaves for medicine. I harvest them towards the end of summer or beginning of fall. 

Like many plants in the heath family (Ericaceae), uva ursi thrives in acidic soils. I live amongst douglas firs and ponderosa pines and they cover the forest floor. In the spring you can find me on my belly getting glimpses of those perfectly pink flowers. 

Uva ursi is frequently planted in western Washington as an ornamental plant. I often see it in green spaces in parking lots. It's evergreen leaves are beautiful year round. 

In the summer the flowers turn into red berries. They are edible and can range from slightly sweet and astringent to very mealy and astringent. If the berries are still on the plant when I harvest the leaves then I harvest them for medicine as well. 

I harvest leaves both for making a tincture as well as for teas. 

 Uva ursi is often a part of smoking blends. 
Recently I heard of an herbalist using uva ursi for yeast infections. 

I also adore the beautiful orange red bark of uva ursi. 

Here's a couple of videos on uva ursi. The first one is an old video by me and the second is by Nome. 

Kamis, 29 September 2011

This Was Amazing This Year!

The Night Blooming Jasmine Framed with a Peppermint Scented Geranium!

There's That Peppermint Scented Geranium Again!

Now It's Blocked by the Kaffir Lime!

Blooming At Night!
The jasmine suffered while we were gone, but stress is a good thing when you want something to bloom in a container.  If all you have are green leaves and no blossoms, let it be a little stressed (e.g. not watering it consistently or fertilizing it too much) and see the results.  It worked for us.  I bought this night blooming jasmine for The Herbal Husband several years ago at Well-Sweep Herb Farm.  The container that it is in as just got bigger and bigger!  It is a delicious smell at night when it is in bloom!  Maybe more about the peppermint scented geranium in another post!  It is going to be transplanted before it comes in for the winter.  Rainy here and a cool down for the weekend.  Made rose geranium jelly this morning.  May have to buy another bottle of wine to make more.  Talk to you later.

Rabu, 28 September 2011

The Flowers That Can't Tell Time!

My four o'clocks were blooming around 10 o'clock today!  They never seem to know when they are supposed to bloom.  Maybe it is because they have a little Latin in them.  Oh, that means they would be later!  I do not know why these are early and I don't really care because they are beautiful.  Always happy to see some late bloomers in the garden.  Will share more tomorrow.  Talk to you later.

The Global Herbal - Asia, by Marita A Orr

From The Essential Herbal Jul/Aug 2009

The Global Herbal by Marita A. Orr


In the last issue, we talked about the mythological origin of Chinese herbalism with the Emperor Shen Nung, and his experiments with medicines, herbs, and poisons. Health assessment methods using the Five Elements and Yin and Yang were discussed. In this issue, Marita goes into some of the individual herbs and modalities of treatment….

Because it is a safe, inexpensive solution to health problems of all kinds, Chinese herbalism is very popular in China. In recent years, herbalism has been modernized with the introduction of quality control. Because they are standardized, Chinese herbs are safer for self-treatment. This puts the individual, not the physician, in charge of the individual's health; that is a basic goal of Chinese herbalism. Chinese herbalism offers unique advice regarding what foods can help and what can hinder, and an herbalist can help an individual discover what he is allergic to. In addition, Chinese herbs stimulate the immune system and provide beneficial nutrients, aside from their role in curing illness. There are many herbs to choose from. I have chosen the following herbs because of their potential for helping with cancer and the many side effects that it entails.

One of the most talked about herbs from Asia is Astragalus. Astragalus membranaceus. Has been used since ancient times in Traditional Chinese Medicine, It is an important remedy in the west since its effects upon the immune system have been revealed. As the power of immunological research is focused on medicinal herbs a whole new array of effects are being discovered. The polysaccharides in Astragalus have been shown to intensify phagocytosis of reticulo-endothelial systems, stimulate pituitary-adrenal cortical activity and restore depleted red blood cell formation in bone marrow. Astragalus is also one of the herbs known to stimulate the bodies natural production of interferon. The therapeutic potential offered is very exciting. The conclusion being drawn by most western herbalist's is that Astragalus is an ideal remedy for anyone who might be immune-compromised in any way. This can range from someone who easily `catches' colds to someone with cancer. Prepared as a decoction. Put l teaspoonful of the root into a cup of water, bring to boil and simmer for l0-l5 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day. As a tincture: take 2-4 ml of the tincture three times a day. It is the herb of choice where the immune system has been damaged by chemicals or radiation and can be used by patients who are under treatment since it is extremely safe. In this recipe, Astragalus also helps make the entire butter more digestible. Pumpkin seeds and sesame oil both have some anti-parasitic properties. Using Astragalus in the nut butter adds an immune boosting quality to the spread without damaging the taste. The honey adds flavor and shelf life.

Pumpkin Butter

2 pounds tahini

14 oz. Pumpkin butter

7 oz. Sesame oil (or pumpkin seed oil)

6 oz. Powdered Astragalus

Honey to taste

Instructions:Gently warm tahini and pumpkin butter in a double boiler at a very low temperature. When smooth enough to stir relatively easily, add Astragalus powder and enough sesame oil to give a good consistency. Remove from heat and add unfiltered honey to taste. Be sure not to add water nor permit steam condensation to remain in the butter as this will promote the growth of mold. Use this as a substitute for peanut butter. It tastes fabulous and is very healthy.

Asian ginseng common Names are Asian ginseng, ginseng, Chinese ginseng, Korean ginseng, Asiatic ginseng. It’s Latin Name is Panax ginseng. Asian ginseng is a light tan, gnarled root, sometimes resembling a human body, with stringy shoots that look like arms and legs. Hundreds of years ago, herbalists took this appearance to mean that ginseng could cure all human ills, and it has, in fact, been used as a "cure-all" in many different cultures. The Chinese view ginseng as the king of herbs -- one that brings longevity, strength, and wisdom to its users. Claims for Asian ginseng are numerous and include the use of the herb to support overall health and boost the immune system. Traditional and modern uses of ginseng include are that it improves the health of people recovering from illness. It also increases a sense of well-being and stamina, and improving both mental and physical performance. The root of Asian ginseng also contains active chemical components called ginsenosides (or panaxosides) that are thought to be responsible for the herb's medicinal properties. The root is dried and used to make tablets or capsules, extracts, and teas, as well as creams or other preparations for external use. Some studies have shown that Asian ginseng may lower blood glucose. Other studies indicate possible beneficial effects on immune function. To date, research results on Asian ginseng are not conclusive enough to prove health claims associated with the herb. Several clinical studies support the use of Asian ginseng in the treatment and possible prevention of cancer. A study comparing groups of people over time suggests that regular intake of Asian ginseng may reduce the chances of getting various types of cancer, especially lung, liver, stomach, pancreatic, and ovarian. In this particular study, this benefit was not observed for breast, cervical, or bladder cancers. Preliminary results of other research suggest that Asian ginseng may improve treatment of colon cancer in animals. More research is needed. Asian Ginseng is also used in Treating erectile dysfunction, hepatitis C, and symptoms related to menopause. It can also be used to Lower blood glucose and controlling blood pressure. It could be helpful in treating alcohol intoxication. The herb may accomplish this by speeding up the metabolism (break down) of alcohol, thus, allowing it to clear more quickly from the body (lowering blood alcohol content). Animal research also suggests that Asian ginseng may reduce the absorption of alcohol from the stomach.

When it is taken by mouth, ginseng is usually well tolerated. Some sources suggest that its use be limited to 3 months because of concerns about the development of side effects. The most common side effects are headaches and sleep and gastrointestinal problems. Asian ginseng can cause allergic reactions. There have been reports of breast tenderness, menstrual irregularities, and high blood pressure associated with Asian ginseng products, but these products' components were not analyzed, so effects may have been due to another herb or drug in the product. People with diabetes should use extra caution with Asian ginseng, especially if they are using medicines to lower blood sugar or taking other herbs, such as bitter melon and fenugreek, that are also thought to lower blood sugar.

Ginseng Tonic Tea - for fatigue
1 part white Asian ginseng root
1 part red Asian ginseng root
1/2 part Chinese licorice root
1/2 part Chinese red jujube date
Steep 1 tablespoon in 1 cup of boiling hot water

Red Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum), commonly known as Ling Zhi in Chinese, is a herbal mushroom known to have miraculous health benefits. Red Reishi are antler-shaped mushrooms. It has been used in Japan and China for over 2,000 years and thus making it the oldest mushroom known to have been used as medicine. Since ancient times, the Reishi mushroom was reserved for emperors and royalties. It has been revered as nature’s rarest and most beneficial herb. In the Superior category of Shen Nung Ben Cao Jing, the oldest and most famous medical text on Oriental herbal medicine, red Reishi is ranked as taken regularly, it can restore the body to its natural state, enabling all organs to function normally. It is also an Immune modulator, it regulates and fine tunes the immune system. It is the number one herb, ahead of ginseng, because of its following qualities. Highly ranked in Chinese medicine, the Reishi mushroom is non-toxic and can be taken long term without any side effects. When added to your daily regime, Reishi can help the body regain and maintain a state of health. It also regulates the immune system so that it works efficiently to keep you healthy.

Reishi mushrooms contain amino acids, proteins, polysaccharides and triterpenoids. These active ingredients have benefits for the body including anti-tumor action and helping the body use oxygen more efficiently. Studies done in Japan, the USA, China and the UK over the past thirty years repeatedly show that taking Reishi has resulted in a reduction in disease, every day ailments and an improvement in the body's condition. Reishi has benefits for every organ system in the body. The studies also support the use of Reishi as a general tonic. It normalizes the body's organs and functions and maintains health. Called an adaptogen, Reishi helps the body adapt to various stresses like sleep deprivation, temperature, toxin exposure, infection, psychological stress and trauma. Reishi mushroom is analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and helps fight off tumors. It helps allergies by lowering histamine reactions. It can lower blood pressure and has antioxidant qualities. Reishi encourages the proliferation of bone marrow cells. It can help lower serum cholesterol levels and is a tonic for the heart and liver. This mushroom reduces the effects of caffeine. It boosts the immune system, and is showing promise for dealing with HIV. It improves the adrenal functions as well. It is used as a sedative for dizziness and insomnia, as well as being a general aid for weakness. Reishi is showing great promise for asthma and other respiratory problems. It strengthens the bronchial cells and can relieve coughing. A large study in China reported that 60% to 90% of the participants felt better within two weeks after beginning Reishi, even though they had chronic bronchitis.

Reishi mushrooms have no known side effects to worry about, but as with every herb a person should test a small amount to be sure that they are not allergic to the mushroom. Some people may experience some symptoms of detoxification in their bodies, such as mild stomach upset, dizziness, rash or sore bones. These symptoms are temporary and due to the excretion of accumulated toxins in the body. Feeling these symptoms tells you that the Reishi is doing its job. There are no known contraindications or drug interactions for Reishi mushroom. Reishi is even safe for children and And pregnant women. Reishi mushroom is available as commercial preparations like tablets, injections, tinctures, capsules and teas. This mushroom can also be made into syrups or added to soups.

Besides physical benefits, the Reishi mushroom also elevates the mood. In Chinese medicine, it is said that Reishi makes a person more spiritual. The ancient herbalists called Reishi the herb of spiritual potency and used it to promote longevity. Considered among the most powerful natural healing herbs in Asia, it was very rare and expensive to obtain until recently. Asian cultures have also used Reishi, rendered in jade, as a talisman worn around the neck. Sometimes, whole, dried Reishi are placed in the home to ward off evil energies.

Traditional Reishi Soup

If possible, use a Chinese double boiler. If not, clay, Pyrex or stainless steel pans work. Combine 3 one inch sections of Red Reishi with a chicken thigh or your favorite vegetables in 3 cups water. Add a few slices of ginger or mashed garlic cloves. Cover and simmer at a very low heat for 1 to 3 hours.

Holy basil, ocimum sanctum, or tulsi, is an herb commonly used in Thai and other Southeast Asian cuisines. It has a spicy, peppery flavor unlike that of the sweet basil common in most American markets. Holy basil has both medicinal and spiritual significance in Ayurveda . It is sometimes planted near Hindu shrines. It is sacred to Lord Vishnu, the Hindu god of preservation and is considered purifying to body, mind and spirit. A living Tulsi plant is kept in many Indian homes where it is endowed with a sacred aura and believed to provide divine protection for the household. Rosaries made from its cut stems are commonly used as meditation beads. Closely related to the sweet basil plant widely available in the West, holy basil has been used as a valued culinary and medicinal herb. Its traditional use has been in the treatment of colds and flues where its purifying actions are believed to cleanse the respiratory tract of toxins. It is also helpful in the relief of digestive gas and bloating. Recent scientific reports have confirmed the healing properties of holy basil in medical conditions ranging from diabetes to cancer.
Holy basil is reputed to be antibacterial, a strong antioxidant and roughly as effective as aspirin in alleviating pain and swelling. Some herbalists recommend it for treating allergies and fighting colds and flu. because it grows best in tropical climates. In addition to its ability to dampen the chemical changes of stress, holy basil also appears to influence the neurochemistry of the brain in a manner similar to antidepressant medications. These interesting pharmacological properties have recently been applied to different clinical situations with potentially important results. A number of studies have looked at the ability of holy basil to protect healthy cells from the toxicity associated with radiation and chemotherapy for cancer. Components of holy basil consistently limit the damage that radiation causes to the bone marrow and digestive tract in animals. When the cells were looked at microscopically, those animals that received holy basil had less chromosomal damage than those that received a placebo. Holy basil has also been shown to protect the heart from damage caused by a widely used chemotherapy drug, adriamycin. It seems to work by protecting components of heart and liver cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals generated by the chemotherapy. Other studies have shown holy basil to have a protective effect against chemical carcinogens. Adding to its potential value in the prevention and treatment of cancer, holy basil has also been shown to enhance different aspects of the immune response in animals.
Another medical condition that holy basil may benefit is diabetes. Studies have shown holy basil to have substantial blood sugar lowering effects, similar to standard oral diabetes medications. It also appears capable of lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Diabetes is one of the few areas where holy basil has been formally tested in people. It has a history of traditional use but has received little scientific scrutiny. Not much is known about its long-term safety. Few side effects have been noted. It can be used in cooking but heat treatment renders much of the tulsi’s natural chemicals impotent, thus reducing its healing prowess. It is better to eat it raw. Use this easy to make spread, as a condiment on sandwiches, a base for salad dressings, and a main flavor contender for your next grill party.

Basil Spread

Pick fresh basil leaves.

Place in blender or food processor.

Blend with enough oil to make a smooth paste.

Add pinch of salt to taste.

Add one teaspoon of lemon juice per cup of spread to prevent discoloring.

Use as a spread. Can be frozen for winter use.

Use plain, as a spread on sandwiches. Try fresh sliced tomato!

Thin with a bit more oil and vinegar for a fresh salad dressing.

Add enough oil to make a thin slurry, baste chicken on the grill.

Add equal parts mayo and sour cream for a great veggie dip.

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) products come from the leaves of the only surviving member of the ginkgo family, a species that has existed for more than 200 million years. Most commercial leaf production is from plantations in South Carolina, France, and China. Ginkgo leaf has been cultivated since the fifteenth century in China, where the leaves were used to “benefit the brain” and treat lung disorders, cough and asthma symptoms, and diarrhea. Today, ginkgo is one of the best-selling herbal medicines in Europe. Most research focuses on using ginkgo to increase circulation to the extremities and the brain, and more than 400 scientific studies support its use for this. Scientists attribute ginkgo’s health benefits to unique compounds called flavone glycosides and ginkgolides, which inhibit development of cardiovascular, inflammatory, and respiratory disorders. Ginkgo is a strong antioxidant—it directs its free-radical scavenging activity to the brain, central nervous system, and cardiovascular system. This is what makes it promising in the treatment of age-related declines of brain function. In the January-February issue of the journal Anticancer Research, the investigators reported that treating mice with an extract of leaves of Ginkgo biloba both before and after implanting human breast or brain (glioma) tumors decreased expression of a cell receptor associated with invasive cancer. This decreased expression slowed the growth of the breast tumors by 80 percent as long as the extract was used, compared to untreated mice, and also reduced the size of the brain tumors, but temporarily, and to a lesser extent. It is very encouraging that Ginkgo biloba appeared to reduce the aggressiveness of these cancers, because it suggests that the leaves could be useful in some early stage diseases to prevent them from becoming invasive, or spreading. But I must stress that this is a study in mice, and so we cannot say what anticancer effects, if any, Gingko biloba might offer humans A typical dose is three capsules containing at least 40 mg of standardized extract daily. It must be used for six to eight weeks to produce results. Ginkgo can cause gastrointestinal upset, headaches, or skin ­allergies.

The following recipe comes from 5 generations of Chinese families It is served at the country's first medicinal herb restaurant, the Emperor in San Francisco.

Ginkgo porridge

Cook 1 cup of rice in 2 cups of water until tender. Cook 1/2 cup of ginkgo nuts (available from Chinese food stores or ethnic sections in many natural foods stores or supermarkets) in enough water to cover them until tender. Add the ginkgo water to the rice and blend until creamy, add the ginkgo nuts and blend a little until the nuts are partly chopped, then heat the porridge until hot and serve forth in a porcelain pot. Flavoring spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg or allspice can be added, if desired.

Selasa, 27 September 2011

Summer hors d'oeuvres

The seasons are changing here with the air noticeably cooler and the foliage slowly turning from brilliant green to speckles of yellows and browns. 

Which reminded me to share my favorite summer appetizer before it's too late! 

I've been making some variation of this simple treat since I was a teenager. I often bring it to summer potlucks and it's a big hit. 

I'll call it, Marinated Feta Delight

But really it's just feta marinated with lemon juice, herbs and served with tomatoes. 

To make this recipe you'll need

Lemon juice
Fresh or dried herbs such as thyme, chives, oregano
optional: bread or crackers for serving. 

Begin with your chunk of feta. 

Crumble it into smaller pieces. 

Add lemon juice. How much? Oh, I never measure. Enough to wet all the cheese with it, but not so much that it puddles on the bottom. Might as well throw some lemon zest in the mix if you've got it. 

Add your fresh or dried herbs. (Go fresh if possible.) How much? I never measure. 

It's best if you can let this sit overnight, but I've served it right away and it's still good. 

When you are ready to serve... Find some delicious mouth watering heirloom tomatoes. 

Slice them up. 

Then arrange the marinated feta and tomatoes on a plate. Get extra fancy and sprinkle some fresh herbs over it all. 

Serve with bread or crackers. 


My Adventures at Mother Earth News Fair and Zen Moments

Under the Tent the Toyota Plug-in Car!

A llama from The Herbal Husband's Birth Place, Peru

The Timberstone Room Where I Spoke

Cinnamon Ice Cream

A Baby Alpaca!

 Demonstrating Horseradish Jelly

Not Very Zen Like Table

Herbal Tea for My Zen Moments

Started with Raspberry Jam

And Ended with Rose Geranium Jelly
Well, I can make jam and jelly in my kitchen all day.  I struggled at the Mother Earth News Fair and didn't finish the horseradish jelly I was trying to make.  I did get it into jars in the back and canned it when I got home, but that wasn't what I was supposed to do.  I get very excited to share my passion and some times it gets too overwhelming.  I tried to do too much and 45 minutes isn't a long time until you must do something and it doesn't get finished like you want.  The Herbal Husband was there to support me and he was a great comfort, positive, loving and just what I needed after I finished.  I also want to thank K.C., Gina, Allison from The Herb Companion magazine for helping me and supporting me.  James D., Christine and my volunteer, Jen, for their support as well.  Got to see some of the fair and of course, have cinnamon ice cream.

Took a day off and then it was back making jam and jelly this morning and afternoon.  Had to have a cup of herbal tea during the moments.  I made a batch of raspberry jam this morning and two batches of lemon verbena jelly this afternoon and finished with a rose geranium jelly batch.  Then I set up the last rose geranium batch with the last of the wine.  I might have to get another bottle of wine, because I still have a lot of leaves left.  Going to try and catch you up on the garden.  Have some photos to share.  The weather is still pretty good.  We did have almost an inch of rain last night!  The sun is out at the moment.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later. 

Jumat, 23 September 2011

Prayers Are Just Amazing and So Are You!

Bonnie and I just wanted to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for John.  He is making progress although he has a long way to go including surgery at some point.  Bonnie was very touched that I put a call out on my blog and you responded.  She was very pleased!  She says thank you for all your continued thoughts and prayers.  Had to have a little comic relief!  Chippie found a new resting place on St. Fiacre.  Mary fell apart and had to be carried away!  As you can see the garlic chives are out in full force.  I really am going to renovate the herb garden next year.  It's going to happen!  Lots of preparation for Sunday!  Don't usually talk while making jelly!  This might not work out!  While you're saying your prayers, say one for me as well!  I thank you in advance for your support!  Talk to you after the big event.

Rabu, 21 September 2011

An Herbal Treasure: Plant Healer - The Printed Book!

Ghost Ranch, home of the Traditions in Western Herbalism Conference
I recently traveled to the deserts of the Southwest to attend the Traditions in Western Herbalism Conference. Only in its second year of existence, this grassroots revival hosted by Jesse Wolf Hardin and Kiva Rose has already become an epic gathering for those interested in the plant world. 

I attended as many classes as I could, presented a class myself, danced the night away to a variety of musicians and happily basked in the presence of so many wonderful people and herbalists. 

I made a couple purchases at the conferences, doing my part to support teachers, medicine makers and other inspiring folks. 

One treasure I devoured the entire way home was the Plant Healer Annual

This is a printed version of the revolutionary Plant Healer Magazine which is published electronically every three months. 

This black and white book boasts over 600 pages of printed material from over 60 contemporary herbalists. The breadth of information and diversity of writers makes this a special snapshot in time of modern herbalism. 

From Kiva and Wolf's inspiring writings 
to Sean Donahue's biographies of historical monographs
to Virginia Adi's in depth monographs
to Matthew Wood's series on the cardiovascular system
to columns written for and by children (like Herbal Roots Zine author, Kristine Brown)

to 7Song's botany series
to jim mcdonald's energetics column 
to John Gallagher's grassroots marketing series 
to Paul Bergner's innovative musings 
to Robin Rose Bennett's soulful writings 

to Ananda Wilson's tree medicine
to Phyllis Light's illuminating monographs 
to Sam Thayer's foraging expeditions
to Henriette Kress' clinical perspectives 
to Loba's enchanting foods...

and on and on and on. This book will take me weeks to fully read, and a lifetime to fully absorb. 

You can purchase your own copy along with a quarterly subscription by
clicking here

Enjoy a piece of herbal history! 

Plant Healer: A Journal of Traditional HerbalismPlant Healer: A Journal of Traditional HerbalismPlant Healer: A Journal of Traditional HerbalismPlant Healer: A Journal of Traditional Herbalism

A Special Request, Please!

I just wanted to ask for your thoughts and prayers for my dear herbal companion, Bonnie's husband, John.  He has been sick and Bonnie got him into the hospital yesterday.  So get well soon, John!  We are all praying for you!

Selasa, 20 September 2011

Bringing Nature Awareness to Rootstalk!

This year Mountain Rose Herbs is gathering herbalists in Oregon to celebrate plants, people and planet from September 22nd - 25th. This is a benefit event for Cascadia Wildlands. The class offerings are an eclectic mix of herbs, activism, homesteading skills and connection to nature. 

My husband Xavier has been asked to share his skills in living close to the earth. He'll be teaching two classes at the festival. One on the Gifts of Plants, using plants for food, shelter, clothing, tools and fire. And another on building nature awareness skills such as tracking, bird language and sense of place.

I am super excited to be able to travel down with Xavier to support him in his classes as well as attend this incredible event. 

Held outside of Salem on 300 acres of land there are lots of fun activities to do when not attending classes including canoeing, archery and hiking trails. Each night there is a plethora of different music and entertainment. 

We'll have a table at the event to sell DIY Pine Needle Basketry Kits and my own Bee Balm Honey. 

We hope to see you there! 

For more information about Rootstalk visit their website

Minggu, 18 September 2011

How Easy is Apple Sauce? Child's Play!

When I was a child, our family existed on a PA Dutch diet that rarely included any of the really spectacular dishes for which the region is known. All of the adults worked too hard to roll out dough or do any fancy baking or canning, in addition to the fact that they just weren't into it. Meat, starch, and veggies combined to make our usual suppers. It was good, hearty food, but salt, onions and butter were our main additions for flavoring.
I was lucky though. As long as I can remember, I roamed freely in about a mile or two radius. My little 15" forest green and rusty silver bicycle took me everywhere.
An Italian family about 1/4 mile away had 4 girls around my age, and for a while there, they probably wondered if they had somehow gained another daughter. I can still remember some of the meals I ate with the Caterbones, and their father had an Italian bakery downtown, making the best breads and pastries around. Garlic, herbs and spices we never used were staples in their kitchen, and I loved it all.
By the way, before it comes up, there has never been a time in my life where anyone thought of calling me wispy or dainty, and I can only assume mothers set a place at the table for me so often because I appreciated their cooking wholeheartedly.
Another 1/4 mile up the road was the Longenecker's house. In 4th grade, Debbie and I became fast friends. Her family was a farm family. Their basement wall was a treasure trove of beautiful jewel-toned jars of canned fruits, vegetables, meats, and pickles. It was truly a sight to behold. With 8 children (I think...) they took it pretty seriously. They also had an amazing pantry - a full room of shelves, stocked with everything a cook could want. Debbie knew how to do all kinds of things I didn't. She was a very self-sufficient girl, and I learned a lot there. That's where we made hard candy that they sold - long evenings around the table cutting long strips of molten candy that the father would throw to us in turns. Lots of hands made fast work of it.
So it shouldn't have been a surprise when one day after school, Debbie suggested that we make apple sauce to go with supper that night. But it was. She laughed at the face I made. We took a basket and went out to the tree far out in the yard and scooped up a couple dozen apples. Soon we had a couple of quarts of the best apple sauce ever.

There is a golden delicious apple tree growing in front of my sister's workshop. It's been producing well for a couple of years, but I never really did anything with the apples. A few get eaten, but most do not. This year, I decided to try apple sauce again. It was so good that I will make more, and plan to try apple butter next week. Here's how it works.

I brought a couple dozen apples home, and cored them. They got chopped into about 1" pieces. As I was chopping them up and taking out any imperfections, I thought about how commercial processors would just leave that in. Bonus #1!The apples go into a pan with a cup or so of water.
Once they come to a boil, they are covered and turned down to simmer until they are soft.In the meantime, I got out the equipment that I would need - a bowl and a food mill. If you don't have a mill, peel the apples before cooking and use an old fashioned potato masher.Strain the apples lightly, and put a ladle or two of them into the mill. Continue until all of the apples are sauced.I got out my micro-plane and ground some fresh cinnamon into the sauce. At this point, you could add a little sugar (my friend Becky uses honey).
So now I have a quart of fresh, organic apple sauce. The apples were less than an hour from tree to sauce. It is DELICIOUS.