Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Instant Herb Gardening!

We have started to plant our container herbs out in the garden.  If we keep getting the rain we are getting, we will have herbal trees by the end of the season!  Not necessarily a bad thing.  These two are the tender lavenders that made it through.  They are looking pretty sparse.  They usually do this time of year.  One is the 'Goodwin Creek' and the other is the 'Grey French' lavender.  They do well in the western side of our house on the windowsill and we have drafty windowsills!

This lovely plant is a 'Green Pepper' basil.  It doesn't look much like a typical basil.  It makes an excellent herbal vinegar.  We keep it in a pot and it reseeds itself.  We have passed seeds along to friends, but they don't seem to germinate.  It can tolerate some shade.  So morning sun/afternoon shade.

I did buy a few and I really mean a few, less than ten new herbs for the garden.  Here is where the new scented geraniums and a couple of container ones were planted the other day.  So if you have gaps where you could use a larger herb, think about planting your container herbs into that empty space.  You can always find a new smaller herb for that container!;>}  Hope you are having a great day.  We are still making rain in this part of the world.  My neighbor brought his boat out of storage!  Do you think he knows something I don't?  It's laundry day here and it's piled to the ceiling!  Talk to you later.