Jumat, 16 April 2010

Feels Like I Have Been Gone For Awhile!

Half of April is gone already!  The Herbal Husband arrived back in the US with an respiratory illness of some kind.  Always lots of fun.  I didn't get too close!  Haven't gotten sick yet!  He is much better and so is the garden.   Lots of piles of sticks, branches and broken bits.  We lost very few plants, but the broken parts were everywhere.  This is from the left part of the front garden.  It was quite a mess.  We are pretty caught up.  My banner photo is from yesterday.  You see The Herbal Husband's car to the left in the photo, because we are still moving potted plants in and out of the garage until the nighttime temperature has moderated.  Always something!

Julie of Laughing Horse Art has bestowed me with the Zombie Chicken Award.  Thanks Julie for thinking of me.  Sorry I haven't been around to award it to others.  I need to work on my five additional awardees!  Hopefully, I get that done over the weekend.  I will leave you with some of the spring blooms in the garden.  Going out with our friends, Jim and Laverne this evening!  Talk to you later!