Minggu, 26 Juli 2009

Library Garden Tour!

Well, The Herbal Husband and I thoroughly enjoyed opening up the garden to the public! Here is the front garden before everyone arrived. Then the rain came! It poured buckets before they came and even after the tour started it was raining. Fortunately, gardeners are hardy folk and took things in stride. The sun finally did make an appearance. The Herbal Husband had all of his tomatoes with name tags at the top of the stakes so that people could read them and he could remember their names also!

But I think the herb garden really looked beautiful! I'm a little biased! I worked very hard this season even if some of the plants didn't live up to expectations! I think my favorite part of the herb garden are my containers this year particularly on this stepladder of my mom's. Everyone who came up from the back garden mentioned how much they loved my fairy trough. I need to do a couple more next year! Don't tell the Herbal Husband! Hope the library made lots of bucks! Support your local library wherever you may be! They always can use a helping hand! Happy Birthday Mar!