Kamis, 05 Maret 2009

Herb Blog Contest - week 2

Welcome to week 2 of our Herb Blog Group Contest!
This week's winner at TEH blog - LAURA!!! at LittleBigVoice blog>>>(on the blogroll)
(see last week's winners at the end of the post)
For the week between Friday, March 6 and Thursday, March 12, you can enter simply by entering a comment in response to this blog entry and take a chance at winning Fairyland Cookie Cutter and Fairyland Recipe Card. Each cookie recipe comes with 1 "friend of the fairies" fairy cookie cutter and fairy sprinkles. Cutters include bird, dragonfly, fairy, gnome, flower, butterfly – she’ll choose one for you!

Garden Chick has a delightful selection of products that are either created by Karen or something she found on her adventures and loves enough to share!

The following blogs are also participating, so stop over to enter with them for additional chances to win AND the chance to explore some cool blogs.

SunRose Aromatics
Herbs from the Labyrinth
Patti’s Potions
PrairieLand Herbs
Aquarian Bath
The Rosemary House
Nature's Gift
Torchsong Studio
The Essential Herbal
Garden Chick

Last Week:
Sun Rose Aromatics ~ nfmgirl
Herbs from the Labyrinth ~ yarrow
Patti's Potions ~ Scorpiolis
PrairieLand Herbs ~ WifeMotherManiac
Aquarian Bath ~ Lara
The Rosemary House ~ HippieFairy
Nature's Gift ~ Filynn
Torchsong Studio ~ Gnightstar
The Essential Herbal ~ Comfrey Cottages
Garden Chick ~ Scorpiolis (2!)

(I am in the process of writing to everyone)
So keep coming back and keep entering. We have some great prizes coming up, and we'll be having the contests til the middle of May!