Sabtu, 31 Januari 2009

A little late or a little early

I'm cleaning out some old files, and today I ran across this link (here), that, amazingly is still live, to a little spot by our local ABC news about Pat Whetham's Organic CSA farm. Now it's late to be posting it for last year, but for the coming season it's spot on!

Time to be signing on for a share is coming up in your neighborhood, and here in Genesee County, Michigan last week Pat wrote to her mailing list about the series of organic gardening classes she's offering right there on her farm. She's an expert at organic farming and gardening, having done it for many years and being integrally involved in the Michigan Organic Food and Farm Alliance (MOFFA). She was even an organic inspector for certifying farms at one time, which looks like a fascinating kind of a job.