Sabtu, 08 November 2008

Prehistoric Projects with Lynx

Part of the reason we moved to the Methow Valley was to be closer to Lynx Vilden. After years of studying with other outdoor living schools we were excited to find Lynx who, along with her partner Rico, were taking things to the next level. They truly live what they teach and are a daily inspiration to me and my husband.

If you are interested in reconnecting to the earth through primitive living skills consider taking classes with Lynx.

Copied from her flyer:

November 16 - 22 Basic Skills Intensive
In depth fire making and use, stone tools, cordage and gloves, primitive cooking, shelter building, and animal processing.
$550 with meals and camping or $400 with out meals and camping

December 7 - 13 Winter Skills
Winter travel and safety, shelter, clothing, fire, food and water procurement.

All prices have a 10% discount for early registration - inquire for details.

For information on classes or for the 2009 project Contact Lynx:
Four Seasons Prehistoric Projects
929B Twisp River Road
Twisp, WA 98856