Rabu, 07 Mei 2008

This place is just nuts

I've been away from the blog for a while now. This time of year is so busy for all the herb businesses, and we are no exception. On the one hand it is exciting and wild. On the other, we don't get enough rest. There's a lot to talk about though, that's for sure!
First, a couple of my friends have new books out, and they are both really wonderful. I snared the photos from their websites.
Marge Clark (naturesgift.com) put out "Essential Oils and Aromatics". It is full of easy to follow information, complete with ideas for use, recipes and applications. This lady knows her stuff, and has always been very sharing with the information. This is a good one for the beginner or someone who already knows a good bit about essential oils. It is beautiful, too.
Rosanne Tartaro (sunrosearomatics.com) came out with "Chakra Balancing". This little book is crammed full of information, explaining the chakras and how they function, along with corresponding color, stones, and oils.

Then last week the farm market opened in Mount Joy. We had a pretty good time. Maryanne's son Rob is learning the ropes so he and Molly can take over while we do other shows and things on occasion. Molly is in the midst of SAT's, ACT's, and AP tests, so she was tied up. We took along my current friend "flat Stanley". One of our writers (and dear friend) Geri Burgert has a son whose class read about this character. Each kid in the class sent flat Stanley to someone in another part of the country, and we will all take photos and write a story about our adventures with flat Stanley. It is sometimes a struggle for my fertile mind to keep this a kid-friendly story... but I will. I promise.

We are currently waiting breathlessly for the truck to roll up with a skid of the new book "Under the Sun". Pre-order envelopes are stacked, addressed and waiting to be stuffed with signed copies.
We'll be taking them "on the road" this weekend at the Landis Valley Herb Faire here in Lancaster. As always, our favorite faire in the spring, it seemed like the perfect place to debut the book in person. If you're in the area, be sure to stop by!