Kamis, 30 Agustus 2007

Hemerocallis 'Aubrey Olivia'

By coincidence, I took this picture at 9 a.m. on the morning of the day my brand new granddaughter Aubrey was born, Thursday, July 26, 2007.

It is a daylily I grew from a seed planted a couple of years ago, that had never bloomed until this year. I'm unofficinally naming it 'Aubrey Olivia' after our little Aubrey.
I hope it blooms every year on Aubrey's birthday!

(Note: I'm only posting it now because it took me THAT long to send this photo to her mommy, and I wanted her to see it in her mail before she sees it here. Now I have to figure out what goes into naming a variety 'officially'.
As I've always said, Gardening sure keeps the mind active!
First I'll have to find my old notes from the Master Gardener conference class where I got the seed some time ago. I recall the instructor telling the class that if one of us was lucky enough that our seed turned out to bloom the coveted blue daylily, that we could share the spoils with him. We'd be rich and famous!
I wasn't expecting a blue daylily, and was hoping it wouldn't turn out yellow, orange, or muddy ... but truthfully, I didn't really expect such a pretty daylily as this one. And I already feel rich, beautiful daylily or no.)