Kamis, 22 Maret 2007

Welcome Spring!

I'm just a couple days late welcoming spring, but with the snow just melting from the yard, not too many people noticed.
Today was an "open the windows!" kind of day, and all the dust-bunnies blew out from under the furniture. It felt wonderful! The birds are certainly making the most of the longer days, and their calls and songs fill the air. The pine trees in the tree farm below the office window is home to thousands. They perch on the uppermost tips of the trees singing to each other. Just last week I threw seed out on top of the snow to get them through the last of the winter. We are lucky enough to be watching some partridges outside this year. They were raised and released last spring, and some of them have stuck around. Gorgeous birds, they scurry more than they fly, and they make a soft "chukking" sound. I hope there is a nest nearby.
We managed to get the next issue of the magazine off to the printer today. It might have been a record! The deadline was the 15th, and we dawdled the first couple of days. This issue went together so smoothly - we were amazed. But - we did have to add pages again. The list question for this issue invited readers to send 100 words about themselves, and we were amazed how many responses we got. We think that everyone will be interested to see who they are sharing their recipes and ideas with - and we were fascinated with the intros. We also had a contest for a cover illustration. The winner (by Deborah Stiffler) is above, a photo of pansies and johnny-jump-ups. It was also a Readers' Spotlight issue. We had several new and innovative products to review. Then there were oodles of wonderful articles, recipes and crafts. When we get them in the mail, I'll post the cover and table of contents.
It's been a busy winter, but nothing compared to the spring that is gearing up. Hang on! It's going to be a bumpy ride!