Kamis, 20 April 2006

Who Loves a Garden

Who loves a garden finds within his soil
Life's whole;
He hears the anthem of the soil
While ingrates toil;
And sees beyond his little sphere
The waving fronds of heaven, clear.
- Louise Seymour Jones

Photo is Magnolia stellata, in bud, against Michigan blue sky.

From my garden notes:
Forsythia and star magnolia are blooming. Snowdrops, w.aconites, dutch irises, and crocuses are past. Now we have hardy cyclamen coum, scillas, helebores, 2 var. species tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, primroses, pushkinias (sp?), meadow rue, bloodroot, dutchman's breeches, aubrieta, fritilarias.
looks like the hepatica has been shaded/crowded out.
Add 2 more var. of species tulips, pulmonaria, and spring beauties.
Now how many of these are herbs?

I have already tasted fresh mint, Welsh chives, sage, thyme, and lovage, while out in the garden.