Senin, 27 Maret 2006

The Rest of the Trip - Odds and Ends.

We were on the 19th floor, but went up to the 32nd floor where we could go out on the roof. The rooftop has planters, lovely built in benches, and nice sturdy guard rails. From the roof, the East river is right "over there", and there are ships docked on this side - New Jersey on the other. It was a bit windy up there, but we stayed a while to look at the various landmarks that were visible, and the tiny little cars on the roof of the gray building, and the equally tiny people on the streets below. I found it particularly funny to find some juicy green chickweed happily growing in one of the planters on the roof, and some daylilies a couple inches out of the ground in another. Laura got a kick out of watching me snuffle around the plants and the ground in the park. There were some dry tree leaves unlike any I'd seen before, but the trees don't have markers - darn it.
Then there was the flower shop. We were walking past this window, and it just stopped me in my tracks. If you look at the pink and yellow spray in the picture, you'll see what I mean. I was absolutely certain that they were made of wood and painted, until we noticed that you could see the seeds inside of a few near the top that are open a bit.
Finally, one of the other memorable things we did was dinner at Strada on 57th. It was just a couple of short blocks, and the food was scrumptious! I had cappelini with shrimp and a yummy cauliflower soup. Laura had lobster ravioli, and I can't remember what Rob and Molly had. For dessert, we all had cappuchino and shared a slice of chocolate mousse cake and another of tiramisu. Sigh.... delicious.
The train was late again bringing us home. I watched out the windows, seeing that the mullein is healthy and prevalent this year, and there are huge patches of tiger lily out there. On the way there, we even passed a "mud sale" held in the neighboring countryside to benefit the small town volunteer fire companies.
It was a wonderful weekend, and I'm refreshed - ready to tackle the upcoming deadline and May/June issue.