Kamis, 14 Juli 2005

silly picture day

We were looking through some old pictures today and found a couple from our old Renaissance Faire days, back in the beginning of the "Twisted Sisters" days. I'm in blue below, and sister Maryanne is in green. Our friends Laura and Robbie had come from NYC for the day to play.

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Then we found the following moldie/oldie. The way we got the "title" Twisted Sisters was from when the Faire held a series of nights for the Halloween season. We became Clem and Phlegm Bickle, and we had a ton of fun with makeup and tooth black. The following year there was a character named Apothecaria Appalachia, but she just didn't "get" it. When she visited our shop, we suggested that perhaps we were kin, but she was clueless.

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Now I know these pictures have nothing to do with herbs, and it is a huge indulgence for me to post them, but Dang!!! I just love 'em. Besides, although I took a few plant pictures today, they just didn't do it for me.