Sabtu, 18 Juni 2005

Berries and Blossoms

This morning I was out and about and took these pictures of mulberries and elderblossoms. These are two fruits that are often overlooked, perhaps because of their abundance. The single bough of the mulberry tree that I photographed was just a small portion of the tree, laden with the berries in various stages of ripeness. Each tree has a different flavor, some sweeter than others. The berries can be baked into pies and cobblers. My daughter has always loved spending hours sitting by the trees eating and staining her hands and face. We have one tree that has berries that are ripe when they are only blushed with pink. They seem to be the sweetest.
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Below is part of the elder grove that we transplanted as tiny plants to an area beside the deck. Over the years it has spread and grown, and we need only to step outside the door to pluck the berries to add to muffins or pancakes. The elderflowers can be used in many ways as well.
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Gathered and dried, they make a delicious tisane with a very light floral flavor. In bath teas, they are soothing to the skin. The entire floret can be dipped into a light batter and fried to make elderblossom fritters. Cut off protruding stems, and serve with a simple syrup made with blossom tea. Or make some elderberry syrup when the berries are ripe, and save for next year's fritters.